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How to Boost Your Audience Engagement with Online Quizzes

Quiz building with interact
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Note: I’m part of Interact’s Partner and Affiliate Programs.  This means that if you sign up using any of the links in this post I may be compensated.  That being said, I really do believe it’s an awesome product and wouldn’t have written this post otherwise.

Raving Fans

Whether you’ve been blogging for years or just started, your goal is probably the same – to increase traffic.  Readers are the lifeblood of any blog and without an audience, we all would just be shouting into the void.

Even more important than gaining readers is gaining repeat readers.

You need to find your raving fans.  Essentially these are the people that love your blog so much they not only come back day after day, but they spread the word to their friends and family.  A handful of raving fans can make a big impact.

But, how do you capture these readers?

It takes time to gain the trust of your readers and convert them into raving fans, but the first step is to get them to notice your blog.  That’s where Interact comes in.

Quizzes for Days

I’m sure you’ve taken a quiz on Facebook or Buzzfeed before.  I mean who wouldn’t want to know which two Disney Princesses they are?

These types of quizzes are a great way to capture people’s attention.  They’re quick and fun to share.

Having a quiz tied to your niche is a great way to expand your potential audience.  Plus, you can add an optional email signup at the end to grow your email list.

Now the question becomes how to create your own quiz?

I had actually been looking around for ways to create quizzes for a while and wasn’t having much luck.  That’s why it was so serendipitous that Interact reached out to me and asked me if I would be interested in trying their product.  It turns out they are one of the top quiz building platforms out there and after making my first quiz it was easy to see why.

I’ve included my quiz below.  Later on, I’ll walk you through the steps I took to create it.

Benefits of Interact

What first impressed me about Interact was how easy it is to use.  They offer templates that walk you through creating a quiz for countless different niches.

Interact Templates

Plus, you aren’t limited to creating quizzes.  You can also make awesome polls and giveaways as well.  All of these easily integrate with the top email marketing platforms, so it’s easy to capture leads as well.

As someone who loves numbers, what I really loved was the analytics they provide.

Once your quiz is live, Interact provides valuable insight into how many people view, start and finish it.

Interact Analytics Funnel

You can drill down even further into the individual questions to see when people are losing interest and dropping off.

Tracking Response Dropoff

Having this level of detail is a big help when it comes to refining your quizzes.  By understanding how people are engaging with each question, you can make sure that your questions are clear and that your quiz isn’t too long.  All of this helps increase your completion percentage, which will help drive email subscribers and readers to your site.

Creating Your First Quiz

If you’re ready to give Interact a try, you can sign up using this link.  They offer a free plan, although you can’t collect emails.  The Lite plan starts at $17/month but it does come with a 14 day free trial.

Interact Plan Pricing

Setting up your first quiz is extremely simple.  If you have your questions and answers ready, you could have your quiz up and running in under 10 minutes.

Create a Quiz

From your dashboard, select Create New Quiz and then you can choose Template or From Scratch.

Choosing a quiz

I chose a Template and selected Finance as my niche.  You then have the option to select which type of online quiz you would like to build.

Different Quiz Types

Your three options are – Assessment, Personality or Scored.  Depending on which one you select you will get different template options.

From what I can tell, there is some overlap between them.  For instance, you could have an Assessment style quiz in which the results to relate to different personalities.  So, you have some flexibility.

I suggest looking at all three to find the best quiz template.

I went with the Assessment type and selected one of the templates.

Customizing Your Quiz Template

Once you’ve selected a template you will be taken to the edit dashboard.

Edit Options

From this view, you can completely customize your quiz.  The template will have the basic information filled out – like Title, a cover picture, and some questions, but you can keep or change as much as you’d like.

From here you can also set up the integration to your email subscription service.  I use MailChimp, but Interact is compatible with all the major providers.

Email options

You also have complete control over the color and font of the wording and buttons.  Plus, Interact links directly to Pixabay, so you have instant access to thousands of royalty free photos.

Sharing You Quiz

After you’ve made all your changes and previewed your final quiz, you’re ready to publish it.

You have a few options when it comes to sharing your final quiz.

Interact Sharing Options

You can embed it directly on your website or create a popup on your site.  If you’re looking for new readers, you’ll probably want to share it on social media.  Interact gives you the option to share directly to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Google+.  Plus, you can turn your quiz into a Facebook ad to reach an even bigger audience.

No matter which option you chose, the process is as simple as copying and pasting a link or some code.  If your site runs on WordPress you could download the Interact plugin to make adding a quiz to your site even easier.

Quiz Results

After about a week, my first quiz had 62 views and 29 completions.  I just posted it on my Facebook page, so I was pretty happy with a 47% completion rate.  I was only able to get 2 leads so far, but that it almost 10% of the people finishing the quiz, so I can’t really complain too much.

Overall, I’ve really happy with the results.  I’m already working on ideas for my next quiz/poll.

If you’re ready to try using Interact for your site, sign up using this link for a 14 day free trial.

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