What has $34,000 in annual income, $40,000 in annual expenses and $148,000 in debt? I’ll give you some time to think about it. Maybe you said the average American household. Maybe you got more specific and said the average Millennial. Those both would be wrong. According to the Congressional Budget Office, the correct answer is […]
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Today’s guest post comes from Barnabas. If you want to read more from him, check out his site thedadwallet.com where he discusses ways to increase income and pay down debt. Back when I was single and had a very good paying job, money didn’t seem like such an issue to me. In hindsight I should have […]
Staying current on all your favorite TV shows can be pretty expensive. But what if it didn’t have to be? What if you could watch all of your favorite shows for free? Those questions are what led me down the path of cord cutting. The answer to those questions are what saved me and my […]
Compound returns or compound interest. We’ve all heard it used at one time or another, but what does it really mean and how can we use it to our advantage? What is compound interest? Essentially this principle deals with the time value of money. Essentially it’s why having a $100 to invest today is worth […]
College is expensive. With tuition and room and board costing tens of thousands of dollars per year, the last thing anyone wants to do is spend thousands of dollars on textbooks. What a wake up call it was when I went to buy my textbooks during my first semester. I was used to $15-30 books. […]
Let’s face it, while saving money is extremely important, for most people (myself not included) it just isn’t fun or thrilling. But winning money sure is! That’s why recently some credit unions in Minnesota launched a new program called WINcentinve in which people have a chance to win cash prizes each month just by saving […]